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Reunion2000 Newsletter |
The Information You Have Been Waiting For Happy Valentine's Day!!! Many of you have been asking about the dates, the hotel, and the price of the reunion. We now have the details. The Dates The reunion is planned around the weekend of July 28, 29, 30. The Hotel The hotel is The Sheraton Buckhead located in the heart of Buckhead, Atlanta's prime business and entertainment district. It is directly across the street from Lenox Square Mall, one and one-half blocks from another mall, Phipps Plaza, and one block from the Lenox MARTA station (Atlanta's transit system) which offer direct access to around town and Atlanta's Hartsfield International Airport. Reservation Procedure The hotel has blocked a specified number of rooms for us. To properly accommodate each of you requires that you follow its reservation procedure. Reservations will be accepted until the cut-off date which is June 28, 2000. The hotel will try to accommodate all reservations requested after the cut-off date, but cannot guarantee sleeping rooms at the special rate for reservations made after this date. All reservations will be made directly through the Atlanta Reservations Department. Please request the group rate for Patterson-Smith Family. To make reservations you may call 404-261-9250 (outside Atlanta, 1-800-241-8260) during the hours of 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday. All reservation requests must be made by the cut-off date. Check-In/Check-Out Check-in time is 3:00pm and check-out is 12:00 noon. Guest Room Rate The room rate is $74.00 regardless of room size (single, double, etc.). This rate is exclusive of state and local taxes which currently total 14%. Applicable tax rates at the time of the reunion must be charged. Expect more information regarding your hotel stay in upcoming newsletters. Your Share Of The Expenses To provide the highest quality of service to you, we have finally determined that the following need to be charged: --$75.00 per adult --$30.00 per child ages 3 to 11 --Children under 3 are free Continued from Page 1 The price charged includes the cost of a T-Shirt; therefore, if a child under the age of three years old (who will not be charged for attending the reunion) needs a T-Shirt, you will need to pay $10.00 (ten dollars) for that T-Shirt. Be mindful of the fact that these prices are not the same as in smaller towns; yet, you will find, after you arrive, that this is quite a value. We will need half of your fee by March 31 and the other half by May 31. Please make your payment by check or money order and keep your cancelled check or money order receipt. DO NOT SEND CASH!!!! Your payment should be sent to Atlanta Patterson-Smith Family, P O Box 44063, Atlanta GA, 30336-1063. Payment Plan If you prefer to pay in installments, we will gladly accept $20 per month per adult and $10 per month per child beginning with this month. |
The Weekend Event Friday
Thanks For Completing Your Forms There are some of you who always respond quickly to answering our surveys/questionaires. We wish to thank you very much for this. For the others of you--why are you procastinating? As we continue to indicate in our newsletters, we have use for this information: your stories about things you have done, places you have visited, family traditions, your thoughts for Reunion2000, internet access, etc. We would like to create a family directory, among other things. If you have lost these forms (PERSONAL INFO, EXPLORATORY, EMERGENCY CONTACT, DESCENDENTS), contact us and let us know which ones you need. We will gladly get them to you Expect one more batch from us to complete the information we need. |
How We Have Contributed To The Expenses Although we are adding on to the fine services provided in the past, we are not charging for those extra services, e.g., newsletters, website, family directory, toll-free number, to name a few. Other Contributions To help you out, we took it upon ourselves to contribute as much as possible. the following are examples: postcards/letters, the program, postage, checking account and checks, long-distance calls, some entertainment, program booklets, Friday snacks (pool area), Friday snacks (teen room), birthday decorations, professional photography/videography, other decorations, etc. (See Expense Sheet). |
Give us help in locating these family members Some of our family members have either moved and did not give us a forwarding address or have never been located: --Zella Mae C Gibbs --Debora Shakoor --Lynda Smith --Donald Vinson --Melvin Rosemond --Mae Frances Rosemond --Linda Rosemond Daves --Russell Donaldson --Sitrena Tharrington |
Announcements Family Loss It was learned from Roy Rosemond of the loss of his sister, Sandra Maples, a few weeks ago. Our thoughts are with her family and friends. Get Well Get well wishes go out to Mildred Bussey. We hope you have a speedy recovery. You’re in our hearts and prayers. With love!!! |
Contact Us If you don't have an e-mail address (which is the preferable form of contact), call us— --To give forms data --To give change of address information --To obtain copies of old newsletters --To tell us talents you can share with . . . the family (keep in mind that we . . . . . might not have a need for them all . . . . but let us know anyway; yours might . . be the one(s) we . need) --To submit your favorite recipes for . . . the family cookbook --To get to us family members we need . . to know about --To give permission to have your e- . . . mail address published It is important that you give us your change of address information. We want to stay in touch with you. Don't forget that the toll-free number is for reunion matters only. |
More Kids’ Corner Solve the following puzzle:
Clue: The above is a place (referenced in this issue). |
Atlanta Patterson-Smith Family Group P O Box 44063 Atlanta GA 30336-1063 |
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Family Member Name Number Street Address City, State Postal Code |