
Contact Info


Chicago Patterson-Smith Reunion

2S.685 Summerfield Ct.

Wheaton IL, 60187



Toll-free: 1-800-484-0343, pin 8854

A special Happy Birthday to the following family members with birthdays in August, September and October:


4th -Kristen Gaines

6th -Cameron Jones

7th -Grover Jones

8th -Tamara Fisher

10th -Nathanial Vinson

10th -Rahine' Robinson

11th -Thomas Jones Jr.

15th -Kiara Pugh

15th -Robert Harris III

15th -Rochelle Harris

16th -Marie Brown

18th -Brendon Hill

18th -Deborah Knox

19th -Jalal Jenkins

20th -Edmund Brown Jr.

22nd -Anita Robinson

22nd -Gennette Chandler

23rd -Robert Harris Jr.

25th -Norbert Simmons

28th -Zachary Jones

31st -Teria Litman


1st -Almanell Vinson

2nd -John Fisher III

2nd -La'Darrell Mashburn

3rd -Tristen Hunter

5th -Edward Gaines

5th -Shaneka Simmons

8th -Jennifer Chandler

8th -Robert Simmons 8th -Devin Litman

9th -Jeanette Simmons

12th -Melinda Litman

12th -Deidre Pugh

12th -Roy Rosemond

18th -Audrey Jones

18th -Ronnie Austin Jr.

19th -Derick Vinson 19th -Edward Jackson

19th -Jason Chandler

20th -Matthew Jones

21st -Michael Hazel

22nd -Addie Simmons

23rd -Lula Jane Bailey

23rd -Wendy Jackson

26th -Marquis Malone

26th -Starling Underwood III

28th -Maleda Vinson

29th -Angel Davis

29th -David Davis


1st -Jacoby Hazel

2nd -Addie Jones

3rd -Marion Hunter

4th -Natasha Allen

5th -Elizabeth Brown

8th -Charles Brathwaite

9th -Coretta Johnson

10th -Steven Jones

16th -Ericka Bens

18th -Sharon Underwood

23rd -Jessica Davis

24th -Charles Chandler III

25th -Brandon & Brandy Knox

25th -Donald Jones

25th -Tony Chandler

27th -Kimberly Patterson

28th -Tyran Hunter

30th -Nikki Thompson

31st -Keith Knox

Rita Warren

If your birthday in one of these months and you are not listed here, Happy Birthday to you as well!

Happy Anniversary to the following couples

Charles & Mary Vinson 14 Aug 1993

Mickey & Regina Gardner 5 Sept 1997

Tarence & Stacey Beard 26 Sept 1992

Robert & Anita Harris Jr. 3 Oct 1970

Jim & Lula Jane Bailey 27 Oct 1991

Please send in any announcements you have about births, deaths, illnesses, graduations, retirements, promotions , awards, upcoming birthdays etc.